Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Editorial, "Vote we must but to sincere and honest.." in LAW ANIMATED WORLD, 15 April 2014, Vol. 10: Part 1, No. 7 issue


persons and parties/groups which espouse noble ideals – especially who are committed to a corruption-free, exploitation-free human welfare oriented social democratic society. In the context of our soon-to-be-officially-divided state of Andhra Pradesh, there is still some hope lingering that somehow this bifurcation can be stopped or at least stalled for the time being by the Apex Court so that at least a dignified process of equitable bifurcation, if not a change of heart toward maintenance of unity, can be initiated. This is quite essential in case the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act 2014 passed in the Parliament scuttling all democratic processes and with the sheer collusion of the two principal corrupt political parties of the country can have any constitutional/moral standing worth the name and the interests of common people in both the regions are to be firmly protected and promoted. Some sort of a turning back to the fourth option suggested by the Srikrishna Committee could be the best way-out in this regard and the new Parliament to be convened after the completion of the ongoing general elections can address this issue in all seriousness, honesty and with priority to democratic ethics. As such, it would be proper for right thinking people in our State to vote for parties like the CPM or the Jai Samaikyandhra Party which seem to be honestly dedicated to the cause of Telugu unity all along and are till now free from electoral corruption. But simultaneously, the persons contesting need also to be scrutinized and in case any moral or political, etc. lacunae felt and no candidate is deemed deserving, people have now the option of registering their protest vote – by pressing the NOTA (None of The Above) button. This is a very practical and useful method which in times to come can evolve into an effective means for even countermanding any sordidly corrupt election process and calling for fresh elections with new and better candidates in the field. It can also pave the way for the realization, in course, of the ‘right to recall’ of elected but unsatisfactorily or woefully/corruptly performing representatives. So even those who are disappointed by the horrid corruption evident in the current election process better avail this protest vote than cynically abstain and lapse into a sort of inanimate state.  §§§

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